Haiku samling: August 2024

Haiku samling: August 2024

Pludselig er det blevet sensommer.
Den sommerferie fik hurtigt ben at gå på.
Med et er vi tilbage i hamsterhjulet og livet haster forbi.

Jeg håber at du vil give dig selv tid til at læse månedens haiku. Måske kan du bruge dem, som et lille frirum og stoppe op for en stund.

Som altid har du indflydelse på hvad der vil blive læst op i løbet af måneden.

Det bliver spændende at se hvad I stemmer på i denne måned.
I overrasker mig gang på gang. Det bliver tilsvarende spændende at kommer ud og læse jeres udvalg op.


Haiku-samlingen for August er stikker i mange retninger. Hver især er digtene en observation, som jeg har gjort mig i løbet af måneden. Nogle gange er det blot en sætning, der falder mig ind.
Sætningen bliver uforvarende inspiration til et haiku, som bliver skabt med forbløffende lethed.
Den arbejdsproces er svært for mig at forstå og må lyde tilsvarende absurd for tilhøreren.

Hvis du har lyst til at læse om arbejdslivets absurditeter, kan jeg varmt anbefale at læse Dilbert-princippet under lup, som blev udgivet tidligere på måneden.

Her er månedens haiku.

God fornøjelse


A glazed clay portrait of a volupotous Gaia. Gaia is dancing freely in a lush field in bright green and orange colors in a modern color block style.

Kære Gudinde
fri, fræk og frodig. Giv slip!
Favn dine former


Forandring på vej
Skab en lysere fremtid
Spred dine vinger


A hyper realistic image of a modern startup workspace with a communal table, multiple laptops, and wooden chairs. On each side of the communal table is manager. One manager is controlling and micromanaging looking like female Steve Jobs. The other manager is trusting and helpful looking like female Simon Sinek. the dicotomy between management styles is reflected in the workspace, the lighting and color combinations. The workspace should have a moss wall on one side and be in steel blue, cinnamon, and saffron colors with natural, mid-morning light in a photorealistic style.

Tillidsfuld leder
kontrollerende leder
Hvem skal lede dig?

Inspireret af SIMON SINEK: Leader versus manager


Display an emotional contrast between two men in a wood carving style. A fit young man offers a soft, glowing light or gentle touch as he tries to hug an avoidant, burdened friend who has a dark, heavy aura spilling over. The background is abstract, with swirling colors that fade from warm to cold, emphasizing the tension between the offered kindness and the overwhelming response. The scene should evoke a sense of both connection and sorrow, with the wood carving style adding a textured, poignant feel to the image.

Du tilbød ømhed
Jeg hældte mit underskud
udover tilbuddet


An ornate lonely white light house in dark green, gold, and black illuminating an archipelago diverting ships from danger, The light house is in the center of a omnious golden background, art deco style, illustration.

Fyrtårnet står alene
Som skibes lys i mørke
Omfavnet af ro


A conversation gone astray. They settled the bill without the host. The image is in a Jackson Pollock style.

De gjorde regning
uden vært med henvisning
til andres menu


A serene and tranquil scene set in nature, where a warm and gentle light bathes the surroundings. In the foreground, two hands are extended toward each other, offering and receiving a soft, glowing heart that symbolizes love. The background features a calm landscape, perhaps with a distant coastline or a peaceful forest, under a soft, pastel-colored sky. The atmosphere conveys a sense of pure, unconditional love without any expectations or demands, embodying the essence of the haiku. The colors are soft, warm, and inviting, emphasizing the theme of love and simplicity.

Giv Kærligheden
Uden gældsbrev eller pres
Bare kærlighed


A dark and intense scene that captures the suffocating nature of overwhelming love. In the foreground, two figures are close together, but their expressions show distress rather than affection. One figure's ego is visually represented as an ominous, looming shadow that engulfs the other, creating a sense of claustrophobia. The other figure appears to be gasping for air, with their hands on their chest, struggling to breathe. The background is muted and hazy, with heavy, oppressive clouds, and the colors are dark, with deep shadows and limited light. The atmosphere is tense, capturing the theme of being smothered by love and the imbalance of power.

Egoet er for stort
Til at de kan få vejret
Kvalt i kærlighed


A surreal and chaotic landscape illustrating the loss of predictable seasons due to climate change and global warming. In the style of Asger Jorn. The colors are vivid but discordant creating an unsettling and dissonant atmosphere.

Flere årstider,
ingen kalender kender,
har meldt sin ankomst.


Analog, energy exchange, young love, writing books, marriage, danish family; a man, a wife, a boy and a girl, keyboards, organs, wires,

Svingninger opstår:
Først en dreng, så en pige.
Nu går det i ring.


She sits in a hotel room with a chair blocking the door. She's drinking and getting high. Outside the window is shiny and inviting. She looks anxious. A charcoal drawing style with strong, contrasting light and dark shading.

fuld og skæv på hotellet:
Skræmt af forandring.


A bag of weed, 2 litres of pepsi cola, fries and p-tærter. It's an abundance of munchies. Getting high and getting higher.

En pose med pot,
Pepsi Max, pommes fritter
plus lidt P-tærter


A detailed view of A thick, heavy humid cloud with rain on a hot and sunny day. The air is so warm that the rain evaporates before it hits the ground. The image is in a minimal, colorful surreal painting style.

Tyk, tung og lummer
sommeren fordampede
mellem regndråber


The image should feature Rousseau prominently, possibly in an 18th-century European setting. Around him, visualize the contrast between freedom and chains—show people initially free, gradually being bound by chains that lead to a community. The community should appear strong and unified, symbolizing the collective power and property that individuals gain. Rousseau could be depicted as observing this process thoughtfully, with the chains transforming into something constructive as they merge with the community. The scene should evoke the tension between individual freedom and communal obligation, highlighting the philosophical depth of Rousseau's ideas.

Begrænset og fri
fik vi mere end vi gav
gennem fællesskab


A silhouette of a boy in a soft, watercolor style. The boy's parents are edging him ut, talking over him in a dynamic pose with a blurred, colorful setting with paint smudges and watercolor paint mingling together. There should be a subtle, nuanced change in colors using the impasto technique with gouache paint. There should be a light wash to the watercolor painting with minor texture from the watercolor paper and a soft, pastel grey background. Theme is Learned helplessness

Hvad har du lyst til?
– Spurgte far. Mor svarede:
“Han vil have is.”


The image should depict the peaceful and optimistic start of a new day. Imagine a serene sunrise over a calm landscape, perhaps with soft light filtering through trees or over a quiet beach. The colors should be warm and soothing, reflecting the freshness of a new beginning. Include subtle elements like a journal, a cup of coffee, or a minimalistic to-do list with only one or two items to convey the simplicity and freedom of the day ahead. The overall mood should be calm, reflective, and hopeful, capturing the essence of starting anew without the burden of unfinished tasks.

Starter på en frisk:
Hver dag er sin egen
– uden to-do gæld


The image should depict the overwhelming noise and busyness of a typical day. Imagine a suburban scene where multiple sources of noise collide: a large, bright-colored garbage truck emptying a container on the street, a neighbor assembling furniture in a cluttered yard, and a lawnmower cutting the grass in the background. The colors should be vivid but slightly chaotic, capturing the feeling of sensory overload. Include subtle details like scattered tools, piles of furniture parts, and freshly cut grass clippings. The overall mood should evoke the frustration and fatigue that comes from constant noise and disruption.

Container tømmes
Naboen samler møbler
Græs bliver slået


The image should portray the intense experience of a hypersensitive person who is overwhelmed by their surroundings. Imagine a solitary figure in the center of the image, surrounded by a chaotic blend of vibrant colors, loud noises, and swirling movements. The figure's expression should be one of exhaustion and emotional overload, as if they are absorbing everything around them. The background could include blurred shapes and abstract patterns to represent sounds, emotions, and visual stimuli that are all merging together. The colors should be intense and contrasting, evoking a sense of unease and overstimulation. The overall mood should convey the burden of being overly aware and sensitive, leading to burnout and emotional fatigue.

Ulykkeligt vidende
Udbrændt og færdig


A stylized 3D image of an business school philosophy student. She has straight blond-ish hair, wearing a chic oversized flannel shirt. The picture is in the style of the Illmatic cover. She looks out of place but is a perfect fit. The background is a suburban street. It should have cute trees lining the street and soft-focus appartement building in the background in soft, pastel colors.

Perfekt fejlcastet
ved sine holdningers mod
er hun Illmatic.


A minimal vector style illustration of a handyman wearing biking gear in an office, administrative work at a desk on the wall hangs a racing bike, pictures of happy grateful people and from a sunny island holiday.The color scheme is earthy and pastel blue, grassy green, and orange sherbet colors.

Tak for smil og hjælp
Om lidt cykler du videre.
Vi ses, varmemester.