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Poetry Unleashed 0225 (open mic)

februar 14 @ 19:00 22:00

Doors at 19.
Showstart at 20.

Who is Alex Lindbjerg?

Alex Lindbjerg is a Danish poet whose body of work explores themes of mental health, everyday life, and philosophy. 

Based in Copenhagen, he writes in formats ranging from free-flowing stream of consciousness to structured forms like haiku.

On the 23rd of January 2025 his first collection of poetry #diktinovember will be published. Like most of his works #diktinovember is in Danish. 

This reading at Poetry Unleashed includes fresh poems written for the occasion. 

They touch on his admiration of a prominent New Yorker, Armageddon påand a critique of pop culture 

Strap on your thinking hat and prepare for a bumpy ride.

Til vi ses igen 🌱


Poetry Unleashed

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